(The Radishes look at each other then smile. Motato: This is beyond brilliant! My universal remote can control every machine in the universe! (evil laughter)

(The sound of a toilet flushing is heard after Motato controls it with the remote control.) (Motato uses the remote control to turn on the conveyor belt which sends boxes flying as some of the Radishes try to get away, but get hit by the boxes.) (Motato uses the remote control to turn on the boom box, which starts playing music.) Narrator: Meanwhile, in the bath- I mean, in Motato's lair. Scene switches to back in Motato's lair.) (LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack growl angrily at each other. Junior Jetpack: I'm not doing back-to-back ninja moves with him! He sweats a lot!īob: We'll figure this out! Together! Let's have cake and talk about it! LarryBoy: He wants to have Pillow Fort Fridays! Outrageous! That's strictly a Tuesday thing! (LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack angrily press noses again, before Bob speaks up.) Junior Jetpack: Oh, yeah? At least I don't have toilet plungers on my head! LarryBoy: I'd rather partner with navel lint! (Camera pans out to show LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack still arguing.) Bob comes out of the kitchen while carrying a cake then hops over to the chairs while whistling cheerfully, then gets sent down to the LarryBoy Cave before entering the cave.) (Scene switches to back at Bob and Larry's house. Motato: Excellent! (pushes the Radishes away) Now, yes, now! The remote controller of everything will help me rule the veggie world! (A shot of the remote control is shown, before Motato takes the remote from the Radish.) Radish #1: Here's the remote controller of everything! (The Radishes tumble in front of Motato.) Motato: Radishes! It is time! Bring me the remote controller of everything. (LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack angrily press noses against each other. Junior Jetpack: (angrily) No fair! No fair! No fair! LarryBoy: It does if "fair" means only I get to drive the Larrymobile. Junior Jetpack: Hey! Does that sound fair? Only the LarryBoy drives the Larrymobile. Junior Jetpack: We will be the best hero team ever! I can't wait to drive the Larrymobile! LarryBoy: (jumping out of his chair) I like it! LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack, the diametric duo!īob: You mean dynamic duo! Hey! I'm baking a cake in the kitchen! When it's done, we can celebrate Happy Duo Day! (LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack high-five each other, as Junior Jetpack flies around the LarryBoy Cave.)īob: You two should become a real superhero duo!

Junior Jetpack: The Mighty Klog! We flushed him down the drain. Then there was that guy who came up out of the drain? What was his name? Junior Jetpack: He turned out to be a real dip! What about the time the town was invaded by the Grapes of Wrath? (Junior Jetpack flies up to LarryBoy and Bob.) LarryBoy: Oh! That makes more sense! Remember when we battled Dr. (Bob presses a button on the computer, bringing up pictures of criminals.) (The computer shows pictures of coffee mugs.)īob: Um, no. (Bob comes up to LarryBoy, who is sitting at the Larry Computer while drinking from a mug.)īob: I'm afraid to ask. Narrator: One fine morning in LarryBoy's hideout.