Unsurprisingly, some of the best HOI4 mods are of the total conversion variety. While fans expectantly wait for the release of By Blood Alone, there's still a massive collection of excellent mods available to download on the Steam Workshop.

Fans can also look forward to a new Plane Designer feature that should add even more layers of complexity to the proceedings. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe to the subreddit. Updated Augby Mark Hospodar: Hearts of Iron IV fans eager for content won't have to wait much longer for their next grand strategy fix! A new DLC expansion, By Blood Alone, is set to finally give Italy some much-needed love after six long years. The common denominator among them is that all deserve some serious attention from fans. Some make the experience more realistic while others are purely fantastical in their settings. These types of mods add and/or change so much of the vanilla content that it often feels like playing a completely different game. The total conversion mods are arguably the best of the bunch. RELATED: Mods That Were Even Better Than The Original Game Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday, Homeworld: Cataclysm. From bug fixes to UI enhancements, mods have all the bases covered. Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword, Commandos 2: Men of Courage. The Steam Workshop is teeming with a plethora of top-notch content that adds even more replayability to a game that is already quite addictive. Games developed by Paradox Interactive fit hand-in-glove with mods.